Ana Sayfa > Bilgi tabanı > Localizer kodu ne işe yarar?

Localizer kodu ne işe yarar?

Localizer code is one simple line of code that adds a multilingual feature to your website, without interfering with the current system.

The integration code works by detecting and analyzing your current content and changing the delivery of it to the end user. By adding the Localizer code, your website will become completely multilingual, multinational and allow you to engage better with a diverse range of audiences.

Eğer site ile Localizer kodu entegre sorun yaşıyorsanız, bizim bakınız entegrasyon kılavuzları yardım için.

Video tutorials for certain content management systems are available on our YouTube channel, such as this video which takes you through the step-by-step integration for Localizer on Shopify.