Ana Sayfa > Bilgi tabanı > Filtreleri kullanarak cümle araması nasıl yapılır?

Filtreleri kullanarak cümle araması nasıl yapılır?

1Login to your Localizer account and navigate to the Batch Translator tab, then click on Advanced.

2From there, you will see a list of filter options and the Set Up Automated Task button. From here, you can start using filters.


Filtreleme yöntemlerinden bazıları şunlardır:


1etikete göre

When Localizer indexes your content, it will also add any relevant tags associated with that content. For example, if you add content that contains the tag header you can filter by this.


2URL'ye göre

You can also filter your content by URL, where you can either enter full or partial URLs. Anything that matches your criteria will then appear under that filter. For example, if you are a sports website and have regular content being added to a sub-directory under /football, you can filter all content that falls under this.


3Minimum görünümlere göre

Bu filtre, yalnızca en azından belirli bir süre görüntülendiği içeriği görüntüler. Örneğin, yalnızca en az on kez görüntülendiğinde içerik bulmak istiyorsanız, bunu ayarlayabilirsiniz. 


Once you've added the filters you want, you can set up an Automated Task by clicking the Set Up Automated Task button. Please note that access to this feature depends on your plan.


On the next screen, select the type of translation you would like to use (or if you want to ignore). Name your task, pick your target phrases (trusted phrases or all phrases), enter your password and click the Enable Automation button.